Send/Recieve Mailproblem

Richard Bos ml at
Sun Apr 11 11:56:22 CEST 2010

Hi Thomas,

Op zaterdag 10 april 2010 23:55:06 schreef Thomas Spuhler:
> OK, I get mail. I missed some entries in the /dist_conf/mandriva file
> in the resmgr section. 

That is good news :)
What is the next step?  Did you already try to schedule a meeting and to 
invite another person to the party?  That should result in an email as well.

> I also changed a grp to root. Maybe dangerous, but
>  SUSE had it this way. Need to check, if I can use something more like
>  kolab.

I don't think it is dangerous.  The base distribution uses root for those 
files as well.  You (we) should stick to the ownerships that are used by the 
base distribution and if the base distribution 'root' we should do so as well.


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