Automatic Email Server Settings

Nazeer Nazeer at
Thu Oct 1 21:31:26 CEST 2009

So far this automatic server settings only worked on domains hosted by
Google as well as Hotmail and MSN.

As for normal email servers, i don’t think it works, I was just wondering if
Kolab has this functionality because it makes life so much easier for people
who don’t know how to properly setup email on their phone or laptop.

Ports will always be the same as well as the incoming and outgoing server
(as long as you have authenticated SMTP like Kolab has). The only thing that
will change is the username and password

EG... I have a E66. I tried adding an email account and all it asked me for
was Email address and Password then it said "Retiring mail Settings".
Unfortunately it didn’t work. I then had to use my Gmail email address and
password and it automatically setup the mail account will the correct ports,
authentication and server names. Outlook 2007 has the same option when you
first add a new account. I just thought there was a way to set this up in

On another note... I had an email address (say myname at The mail
was hosted with gmail. I then changed the MX records to point to my Kolab
server (leaving google as backup MX records). Now mail is delivered and
controlled from the Kolab server with the exact same email addresses. Weird
thing is that If i do the "automatic thing" with this email address, it sets
it up as a gmail account (i used the same password for the kolab server as
the one which was used when it was hosted with Gmail). It obviously is still
looking at the gmail account even though the MX records are now pointing to
the Kolab server... my question is, where does it get info to point to a
certain server and get info from that server?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Rößler [mailto:Roessler at] 
Sent: 01 October 2009 02:07 PM
To: kolab-users at
Subject: Re: Automatic Email Server Settings

Hallo Nazeer,

> How would I enable automatic server settings for Kolab?

I am not sure I do understand this correctly - how could that be
possible? Sometimes the ports differ, sometimes the emailadresses' local
part differs from the username (or the whole emailadress is the
username), sometimes incoming and outgoing servers are different etc. pp.

Best regards, Christian

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