Unable to Sync Calendar / PHP Fatal error compareDateTime()

Alexander Schröter Webmaster at computational-chemistry.org
Wed May 20 13:53:46 CEST 2009

Hello I am using Kolab since 2.2.1 and just updated to 2.2.2. System is a 
Debian Lenny with Kolab compiled from Source.

Since my first installation I am not able to sync my Calendar Data with with 
Outlook, Thunderbird etc. via the different Funambol Clients.

Here is what I did to make it work half way.

>Requirements: Running Kolab Server.
>1. Add the CA-Certificate and the Server-Certificate to the "Trusted 
Certificates" in Windows.
>2. Set up the Funambol Outlook Client with Correct settings:
>        Server-address: http(s)://yourdomain​/client/rpc.php
>        Username and Password
>3. The first time you must sync Tasks, Contacts, Notes one after another ... 
this could relate to my Error but I am not sure.

Now I read on the mailing list that it should work. So I checked the logs for 
errors that only happen when I sync stuff. And this is the one I found in the 

"PHP Fatal error :  Call to a member function compareDateTime() on a non-
object in /kolab/var/kolab/www/client/kronolith/lib/Driver/kolab.php on line 

Since I am anything but a good coder ... please can somebody help me fix this.

If there are people with the same problem can you please check if you might 
get the same error?

Regards Alexander

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