kolab - opensuse 11.1

Richard Bos ml at radoeka.nl
Tue May 19 22:56:02 CEST 2009

Hi Shrenik,

no need to Cc me, I'm subscribed to the list.

Op dinsdag 19 mei 2009 20:29:28 schreef Shrenik Bhura:
> >> Hence I proceeded with factory but that has landed me with the same
> >> problem as Richard's.
> >> Factory as in openSUSE_Factory or unstable?
> >>    
> openSUSE_Factory

Hmm, that is very much living on the bleeding edge, is it will take about 6 
months before Factory is stable and named 11.2.  If possible you better you 

<removed quite a bit>

> > Verify that you have the right perl-ldap, by executing the following
> > command: kolab2:~ # grep -n "{cookie} || undef"
> > /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/Net/LDAP/Control/SyncRequest.pm
> >
> > The result should be:
> > 24:      cookie => $self->{cookie} || undef,
> >
> > (24 is the line number)
> Got the same result but from different repository:
> # rpm -q --qf "%{NAME}\t%{DISTRIBUTION}\n" perl-ldap
> perl-ldap       server:Kolab:UNSTABLE / openSUSE_11.1

Don't know where that comes from.  As long as the test (with the grep command) 
is okay, than it does not matter to much where the package comes from.

> Mail received. :) Worked like a charm.
> The only issue was this:
> I only got this error while doing "# zypper in kolab" and it installed
> all the other packages:
> Installation of horde-form-0.0.2-4.16 failed:
> (with --nodeps --force) Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed:
> Package "/var/lib/pear/Horde_Form.xml" is not valid
> install failed
> error: %post(horde-form-0.0.2-4.16.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
> Abort, retry, ignore? [A/r/i]: i

Hmmm, there is an easy trick to make this warning harmless, which is already 
used in horde-token/horde-token.  The trick is the "|| echo"  piece.
pear install --nodeps --soft --force --register-only %{xmldir}/%{prj}.xml || 
echo > /dev/null
But I would like to know why the installation of the Horde_Form.xml file 
fails...  If this error always happen, please let us know.


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