Upgrade on Suse 10.3 success
Richard Bos
ml at radoeka.nl
Wed May 13 23:47:12 CEST 2009
Op woensdag 13 mei 2009 20:20:45 schreef Alar Sing:
> Quoting Carsten Burghardt <carsten at cburghardt.com>:
> > Zitat von Richard Bos <ml at radoeka.nl>:
> >> Hi Carsten,
> >>
> >> Op donderdag 07 mei 2009 23:28:49 schreef Carsten Burghardt:
> >>> The reason for the error is rather simple. You have something like this
> >>> in the Horde config:
> >>> $conf['tmpdir'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tmp/';
> >>>
> >>> If that is opened during runtime the dirname is replaced with the
> >>> config directory so it works. But if you open the Horde configuration
> >>> page and have a look at the setting the dirname is replaced with
> >>> /srv/www/htdocs/client/lib/Horde/. I assume this is because the
> >>> config.php is included. So the replaced path that shows up is
> >>> /srv/www/htdocs/client/lib/Horde/../tmp/ and that is wrong. When you
> >>> save the configuration the wrong path is include. Why don't you use the
> >>> kolab functionality to insert the path to Horde here?
> >>
> >> What do you mean with this? To which kolab functionality are you
> >> referring? I have no idea what this is about, as it is Alar who did the
> >> packaging of the
> >> webclient.
> >
> > Well, the configuration files from Horde are generated by kolabconf
> > and some variables are replaced so I would recommend to use that
> > functionality to insert the path to Horde in that place and not to use
> > that dirname(__FILE__) thingy. I don't know if Alar also reads this
> > mailinglist.
> Yes I read this list.
> I found this threate
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kroupware&m=123554768707814&w=2 that describes
> why you should not use horde admin interface.
> That is why config directorys and config files of horde are not wwwrun
> writable also.
Among many commits to cvs, I found those 2:
They are interesting as they change the horde config.php files, so they get
controlled (it looks like) by kolabconf. @Alar, do you apply the same
treatment to the openSUSE version of the horde webclient?
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