Hardlinking question

Sascha Schneider schneider at zawm.be
Thu Jun 11 12:20:52 CEST 2009

Hy List,

I have a Server with egroupware and dovecot running that has a big /home
partition, for I did ~maildir in dovecot.
Now I'd like to migrate to kolab but I'm not 100% shure how to to the
hardlinking of /kolab and if that'll work. We already have a lot of
Samba-folders in /home/shares and I don't want to setup the whole system
with new partitions.

Files have to be saved and installed in /home/kolab.
Is # ln -s /home/kolab /kolab  the correct way to do this??

Mit freundlichem Gruß,

Sascha Schneider
Projektleiter "Fit für IT"
ZAWM Eupen
Limburger Weg 2
B-4700 Eupen
Tel.: +32 (0)87 593983
GSM:  +32 (0)474 605141
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