User Deleted, awaiting cleanup... Problem

Richard Bos ml at
Sat Jul 4 09:16:53 CEST 2009

Op vrijdag 03 juli 2009 21:51:01 schreef Thomas Spuhler:
> It looks like doing th package is a challenge. How can I get the
> file into the perl-kolab rpm without altering the srpm source
> file? I would like to use a patch, but do I need to patch the Makefile?

I don't understand why you don't want to alter the src package.  Is it because 
the src.rpm is part of the released distribution?  You need to patch the 
Makefile as well.  Why don't you check out the perl-kolab version that you 
have in the scr.rpm and make a diff with cvs HEAD.  Apply that patch with the 
spec file, that way your tarbal is untouched, but you have the latest and 
greatest perl-kolab.


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