Hosted Kolab?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Mon Feb 2 08:00:06 CET 2009

Quoting Alex <lbf at>:

> I'm looking at ways of outsourcing some of my companies various hosting
> tasks we would normally fire up a xen virtual server for, and was
> wondering if anyone offers kolab hosting?
> For example, I'm looking at "openx hosted" to serve our advertisements
> and "gradwell" in the UK to host our VOIP PBX.
> The advantages to me would be:
> + Software upgrades, including security upgrades
> + Managed backups
> + Don't have to worry about hardware faults
> Does anyone know if a solution exists, or if it doesn't exist for a reason?

I'd like to say that my company p at rdus does offer a solution here. But  
if I'm honest I need to admit that I still don't really offer a  
solution as I still did not expand the company beyond the "1  
employee"-stage ;)

I don't think there is a specific blocker to offering hosted Kolab. In  
my case I just started out with the idea that a hosted Kolab needs a  
decent web-based client, too. So I started fixing Horde for Kolab  
which turned into a much bigger  project than I originally imagined  
and brought me some programming contracts which by now completely fill  
my time. Which is the reason for me being stuck at the "1 employee"  

Hosting Kolab takes a decent amount of knowledge about the different  
components and I believe it only makes sense if you can throw at least  
a team of four to five people at it. You need short reaction times in  
the area of commercial e-mail. So the initial costs are not that low  
and so far there seems to be nobody willing to take the risk. To  
finance a team of four to five employees you need to have quite a few  
customers ;)



> Thanks,
> Alex
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p at rdus Kolab work is funded in part by KDAB and the Kolab Konsortium

____ _________________ _
E-mail : p at                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                          Bundesstrasse 29
Fax    : +49 721 1513 52322                          D-20146 Hamburg
    >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<

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