Q: Kolab and Mac OS X?

Till Adam till at kdab.com
Mon Dec 28 15:56:22 CET 2009

On Tuesday 08 December 2009 20:49:30 Albrecht Dreß wrote:
> Hi Del & Till:
> Am 08.12.09 09:28 schrieb(en) Till Adam:
> > On Tuesday 08 December 2009 08:28:35 Del wrote:
> > Thanks, Del, that's actually a pretty accurate assessment from the
> > developers' point of view as well, thanks for sharing it.
> Thanks a lot for this information, this is really encouraging!
> BTW, one of my guinea pigs ;-) playing with Kontact/Win today ran into
>  issue <https://issues.kolab.org/issue2782> (calendar displays everything
>  in UTC).  Checking the self-compiled version on my "Tiger" box, I even
>  cannot select a different time zone than UTC, and everything is actually
>  displayed in UTC.
> Is this again a Tiger issue (i.e. I can switch to CET on [Snow] Leopard,
>  and the appointments *are* shown in CET there), or does this Win bug also
>  show up on OS X?  In the latter case this would *really* be a blocker, as
>  nobody wants to add one (or two during summer) hours to the time stamps...

There has since been a new beta release, with this bug (among many others) 
fixed. Timezones work fine in general, on OSX, I'm not aware of any issues in 
that area.

> > We're currently putting a lot of effort into what will become the
> > enterprise5 version of Kontact, based on an entirely new architecture,
> > the Akonadi framework you might have heard about.
> Yes, got some info from the BSI people about that...  That really sounds
>  like a big step forward and will hopefully resolve most pending issues!

We're very excited about this, yes. :)


Till Adam | till at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH&Co KG, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Germany +49-30-521325470, Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

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