log rotation

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Thu Dec 3 10:44:46 CET 2009

Quoting Naresh Kumar <nksharma74 at gmail.com>:

> Hi All,   Since couple of days my kolab
> logs are not being rotated and these have become quite huge ! I
> tried find and fix the problem but did succeed.

Is cron still running? If yes, are these lines still present in your  
system crontab:

# <OpenPKG prefix=/kolabdevel pkg=openpkg>
# chronological tasks of /kolabdevel OpenPKG hierarchy
0    0  1  *  *  root  [ -f /kolabdevel/etc/rc ] && /kolabdevel/etc/rc  
all monthly
0    0  *  *  0  root  [ -f /kolabdevel/etc/rc ] && /kolabdevel/etc/rc  
all weekly
0    0  *  *  *  root  [ -f /kolabdevel/etc/rc ] && /kolabdevel/etc/rc  
all daily
0    *  *  *  *  root  [ -f /kolabdevel/etc/rc ] && /kolabdevel/etc/rc  
all hourly
*/15 *  *  *  *  root  [ -f /kolabdevel/etc/rc ] && /kolabdevel/etc/rc  
all quarterly
# </OpenPKG>



____ http://www.pardus.de[1] _________________
http://gunnarwrobel.de[2] _

E-mail : p at rdus.de                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                         Bundesstrasse 29
Fax    : +49 721 1513 52322                        D-20146 Hamburg
    >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<

[1] http://www.pardus.de
[2] http://gunnarwrobel.de

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