SyncML/Funambol/Nokia E71/Kolab/Horde

Micha Kersloot micha at
Wed Aug 19 13:59:27 CEST 2009


> - Funambol is installed and configured with username, password, server-
> address (, port (443).
Does the E71 needs a funambol client? Is there no internal sync application?
> - when I attempt to sync, the phone logs on (first time around I had to
> accept the certificate) and the client reports
>     a) Wird Synchronisiert (Is being synchronized)
>     b) Wird getrennt (logs out)
>     c) Serveradresse ungueltig (invalid server address)
The error is completely meaningless. Whatever problem there is, you will 
always see this error on your phone. 

> Does anybody have any hints what is going on here?

First look at the apache log-files: /kolab/var/apache/log/apache-access.log and 
/kolab/var/apache/log/apache-error.log it could be the error shows overthere.

Another source to look at is /kolab/var/kolab/www/client/log/horde.log and 

And now you are going to the somewhat darker area's ;-) First create a folder 
/tmp/sync and make it writable for the kolab-n user (or writeable for 
everyone) on a sync a lot of debugging info will be written overthere.

The first file to look at would be /tmp/sync/log.txt

P.s. I personaly have been bitten by this bug:

Good luck.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Micha Kersloot
KovoKs B.V. is ingeschreven onder KvK nummer: 11033334

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