Thunderbird ics problem

Sascha Schneider schneider at
Mon Aug 17 12:15:08 CEST 2009

Hi List,

I'm running Kolab 2.2.2 and Thunderbird.
Getting a shared.calendar to be displayed as external calendar in TB is
not a problem, but I can't see any user:calendar.
Permissions are set right, cause I can see the calendar in Outlook and
horde, but the URL to the ics does not work.
If I try opening the URL of the user:calendar in Firefox I get an 404
(Not found), the shared calendar offers me the ics for download.
The URL has a /user%2Fusername%2FKalender.ics
If I change this to /user/username/Kalendar.ics I only get a black page,
no login, nothing
same with /user:username:Kalendar.ics

Mit freundlichem Gruß,

Sascha Schneider
Projektleiter "Fit für IT"
ZAWM Eupen
Limburger Weg 2
B-4700 Eupen
Tel.: +32 (0)87 593983
GSM:  +32 (0)474 605141

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