Thanks for Kolab help

Micha Kersloot micha at
Fri Aug 14 12:25:10 CEST 2009


> ... thank you for your insight. Now how do I prevent that little trick of
> yours sending me email from mailer-daemon at ... what did
> you do there? How did you do it? Can that be abused and prevented?

I just did some SMPT talking on your server. There is nothing that should 
prevent this, because there is no difference in me doing some SMTP talking or 
the first mailserver doing the same stuff.

Now about the from: mailer-daemon question. I simply entered an empty e-mail 
address (from:<>) and most mailer daemons replace that by some default. That 
is expected behaviour.

Next to know is that you can never,never rely on the from: address because 
everyone can configure it in his own mail client. Just try it yourself if you 
don't believe me Just change your from: address in gates at and 
send yourself an e-mail.

P.s. I rather copy this mail to the mailinglist as this discussion could help 
other people. Ok by you?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Micha Kersloot
KovoKs B.V. is ingeschreven onder KvK nummer: 11033334

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