Kolab-users Digest, Vol 66, Issue 3

Micha Kersloot micha at kovoks.nl
Wed Aug 12 11:00:34 CEST 2009


> Hello,
> Another question, who can help me to connect egroupware with the ldap of
> kolab ?

Sorry to bug you again ;-) But it happens that I have played with eGroupware 
before I choose for Kolab. I have used eGroupware in combination with ldap but 
even if you have a clean ldap server and can start from scratch it is not easy 
at all.

In my test it seemed the eGroupware addressbook has it's own ldap structure 
and there was not much documentation on how to use ldap.

I suggest that if you want to use eGroupware, just try to install it on a 
clean server (or vmware image) to get some grip on it. Then try to integrate 
it with Kolab.

B.t.w.  have you looked at http://www.horde.org/source/modules.php ?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Micha Kersloot

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