Spamassain Tests

Troy Carpenter troy at
Fri Apr 17 18:53:06 CEST 2009

I've noticed a larger number of SPAM emails getting through since I upgraded 
to 2.2.1.  I've had to drop the tag header down to 0 so I can see the 
statistics, and it appears that most emails are only tripping the Bayesian 
filter.  Either the emails are being crafted in such a way to avoid hitting the 
other rules, or not all the rules are being used.

I haven't yet looked through the files at /kolab/share/spamassassin, but I 
don't think I'll find anything out of the ordinary.

I also haven't scoured the SPAM folders to see if it is only the one account 
having trouble, or are other email addresses seeing an increase.  I can only 
speak from my personal email account, there doesn't seem to be the same 
increase that I am seeing on the other account.

Anyone else seen anything similar?

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