Fetchmail on Kolab from Source

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Fri Apr 17 06:29:45 CEST 2009

Quoting Alexander Schröter <webmaster at computational-chemistry.org>:

> Hi I have set up a Kolab Server on
> Debian 5.0
> Kolab 2.2.1 from Source
> for my personal use. Thing is I need the fetchmail functionality and I don't
> know how to get it. I followed the instructions on the wiki-page but I am
> actually not sure this is what I am looking for.

What is not working when using the instructions? I know I updated them  
once but of course they might not be up-to-date for 2.2.1 anymore. If  
I know what is not working I might be able to fix this.

> On the Horde Webpage there is the "Fetch Mail" function but all I get is 0
> Mails pulled from Server. Anybody has an idea or even solution to my problem?

If you configured your external account correctly in the Kolab web  
client and the button does not download any mails that would be a bug  
and you should open an issue in the tracker.

> Do I need to edit the /kolab/.fetchmailrc by hand or will the setup  
> be done by
> horde?

The Kolab web client won't create a fetchmailrc file. The  
functionality offered by Horde is a manual pull by clicking on the  
"Fetch mail" button. As fetchmail is not included by default on the  
Kolab server writing a fetchmailrc wouldn't make much sense.



> Thanks Alexander
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