kolab along side Exchange

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Fri Apr 17 06:20:39 CEST 2009

Quoting Geoffrey <lists at serioustechnology.com>:

> We have a unique requirement in that we would like to set up a Kolab
> server, but have users on the Kolab server view busy/free times from an
> existing Exchange server.  Anyone know if this is possible?

As you can configure the URL for the free/busy view in most clients it  
should not be a problem. This would be a different thing if you  
somehow need to share calendar information between the two systems.  
But it does not sound as if this is what you want.



> --
> Until later, Geoffrey
> Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
> temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
>   - Benjamin Franklin
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E-mail : p at rdus.de                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                          Bundesstrasse 29
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