Address book in Kolab admin webinterface: some entries not shown

Christian Rößler Roessler at
Tue Apr 14 11:32:06 CEST 2009

Bernhard Reiter schrieb:

Good morning,

> On Freitag, 16. Januar 2009, Christian Rößler wrote:
>> <>
>> Changing the entry, numbers missing.
>> Please let me know, if anybody can give me some hints. Of course I will
>> give any needed information.
> I can reproduce it here with 2.2.0,
> so we'll follow up on it.

...well, I have updated to 2.2.1 (by the way, many thanks for the new
package!), and after a bit of checking it seems to me this problem (the
empty address entries) has not vanished.

Now, can anyone reproduce this under 2.2.1, or is it perhaps sloppy
updating on my part?

Best regards,

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