Search engine in Kolab

Richard Bos ml at
Thu Sep 25 22:30:22 CEST 2008

Op Thursday 25 September 2008 09:20:52 schreef ustinov vaceslav:
> I have Question about search e-mails in Kolab.
> I have 7 Kolab users, each with about 5 GB mailboxes and more.
> E-mails have attachments with doc and pdf format.
> Is it possible to integrate a search engine in Kolab, like Lucene, to find
> e-mails on the basis of text message and attached file?

Just played with lucene today ;)  But not in combination with kolab.  I only 
found a demo tool and it was not really clear how setup lucene.

Anyway, of course it is possible to do this (perhaps you want to use clucene 
instead).  But how do you make sure that when an email box is read only for 
the user, it will not be accessible via the search engine to others.  I think 
that an search engine on a mail server, the way you described it, will be 
security headache....

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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