Free/busy lists broken - HELP!

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at
Fri Oct 31 08:16:05 CET 2008

Hi Gunnar!

Quoting Gunnar Wrobel <wrobel at>:
> I would guess this might be a problem with the folder rights. Which   
> rights does the user retrieving the free/busy data have on the  
> folder  in question?

/kolab/var/kolab-freebusy/cache/ and all files and sub-folders are  
world-readable, i.e. the usual owner is kolab-n:kolab-n, files have  
(at least) 0644 permissions, and folders 0755.  Or are you referring  
to /imap/ folder permissions?

> We also track some free/busy problems in our tracker. Maybe you are   
> affected by one of these?

I tried to scan them, but didn't find anything which "really" fits.   
The other puzzling thing is that it *did* work in my test setup with a  
small number of test users.  Now, after migrating to a real production  
environment, it "suddenly" stopped to work.

The interesting thing is that the Kalender.pvc (created by the  
calendar user, but world-readable) file seems to contain the correct  
data, whereas the *.vc file contains the empty fb list.

If I understand the process correctly, both are created by the  
/kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/freebusy.php script, right?  Is there a  
way how I can debug/trace its operation?

Thanks, Albrecht.

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