Ldap replication

Neil Price nprice at gibb.co.za
Mon Oct 27 20:13:38 CET 2008

Gunnar Wrobel wrote:

 >> What kind of replication is planned for future versions of Kolab?
 >> Undoubtedly syncrepl support is planned. But what kind? Delta syncrepl
 >> replica? N-way multi-master?

 >I believe this has not yet been decided for Kolab/OpenPKG as we are 
 >not yet forced to switch to the newer LDAP versions. It is of course 
 >nice to have the native ports testing this already.

My vote is for Multi-master. It does not support delta-syncrepl (and is 
therefore a bit inefficient) but I'm sure it will in the future.

For a geographically dispersed implementation,  multi-master makes 
sense. Master-slave has a single point of failure although you could 
alleviate this by syncing different parts of the tree differently but 
that would be very difficult to set up in some generalised fashion.

Mathieu's Debian port uses  a master-slave delta syncrepl although I am 
still confused by his setup and unable to get it to work. I've paused 
that until I can rtfm some more and grok openldap better.

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