Ldap replication

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Mon Oct 27 15:43:00 CET 2008

Quoting "Price,Neil" <NPrice at gibb.co.za>:

> Since we have some developers here..
> What kind of replication is planned for future versions of Kolab?
> Undoubtedly syncrepl support is planned. But what kind? Delta syncrepl
> replica? N-way multi-master?

I believe this has not yet been decided for Kolab/OpenPKG as we are  
not yet forced to switch to the newer LDAP versions. It is of course  
nice to have the native ports testing this already.



> The debian port already uses delta syncrepl but it takes a lot of tweaking
> to get it to work, if at all.
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