Kolab 2.2 addressbook export as spamassassin whitelist

Stefan Bambach sbambach at gmx.net
Tue Oct 21 20:30:14 CEST 2008


>    As the address book is stored in an imap folder, maybe you can:
> 1. Use inotify to be notified about changes.
> 2. Login with cyrus' master password.
> 3. For every user (or maybe only you), get the last emails with vcards
> 4. Parse them and add everything into spamassassin.
> I've done 2. and something like 3 with perl's Imap::Admin. I'm sure there
> should be something similar for your preferred language.

nice idea with inotify... adapted my shell script for inotify support 

solved with something like (snippet):
inotifywait -e modify -e delete -e create --format '%w %e %f' <DIR>
grep -h smtp-address <DIR>/* | awk -F">" '{print $2}' | awk -F"</" '{print 
$1}' | sort | uniq > whitelist_sender

read_hash(\%whitelist_sender, '/kolab/var/amavisd/whitelist_sender');
activated in amavisd.conf.

If I'll have more spare time, I will replace my simple shell script with a 
more accurate scripting language with imap admin methods (I don't know perl; 
I think the only well known language I do not know :-( I should really get in 
touch with it. There are really many tools and libs out there, that would 
help me in such cases. And this would be a small project to play with it)

thx to all.

ciao. Stefan

> Just my 2 cents
>  -- Diego.
> >>> If its just for you I'd just export the addresses once in a while and
> >>
> >> run it through a scripted converter to get the addresses whitelisted.
> >
> > Would be no problem. But No. I know that I will forget to do that ;-)
> >
> > What about adapting a java,python,groovy,C, ... client, that can connect
> > to
> > kolab and export the data? perhaps one of the connectors for other
> > groupwares ?
> >
> > Perhaps an simple imap client, that extract the attachments and than
> > parse the
> > xml?
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