Kolab 2.2 addressbook export as spamassassin whitelist

Diego M. Vadell dvadell at linuxclusters.com.ar
Tue Oct 21 19:05:19 CEST 2008

   As the address book is stored in an imap folder, maybe you can:

1. Use inotify to be notified about changes.
2. Login with cyrus' master password.
3. For every user (or maybe only you), get the last emails with vcards
4. Parse them and add everything into spamassassin.

I've done 2. and something like 3 with perl's Imap::Admin. I'm sure there
should be something similar for your preferred language.

Just my 2 cents
 -- Diego.

>>> If its just for you I'd just export the addresses once in a while and
>> run it through a scripted converter to get the addresses whitelisted.
> Would be no problem. But No. I know that I will forget to do that ;-)
> What about adapting a java,python,groovy,C, ... client, that can connect
> to
> kolab and export the data? perhaps one of the connectors for other
> groupwares ?
> Perhaps an simple imap client, that extract the attachments and than parse
> the
> xml?

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