Distribution lists issue

JP Viljoen viljoenjp at workforce.co.za
Tue Oct 21 12:13:36 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 21 October 2008 11:26:00 Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
> Uh, oh. This is a Kolab2/Gentoo-2.1 installation. I am the maintainer
> of that port and I did not continue that line of the server. The 2.1
> version was something that helped me getting a good grip on the
> shortcomings of running Kolab on Gentoo. And I mainly used this for
> ideas on Kolab2/Gentoo-2.2. This version is not finished yet though.
> If your server is anything near to being used in production I'd really
> recommend to switch to the Kolab2/OpenPKG-2.2 version. You should be
> able to cleanly migrate the data from the older Gentoo system.


Thanks for responding, especially with the exact details. And it is, in fact, 
in production doing close to 5GB's of mail per day on average. Could you 
perhaps point me to a specific migration guide if it's in the archives 
somewhere? I will also start looking at the Wiki now, but if anyone knows of 
any pitfalls which one could experience I would greatly appreciate it if they 
could share.


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