Distribution lists issue

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue Oct 21 11:26:00 CEST 2008

Quoting JP Viljoen <viljoenjp at workforce.co.za>:

> Hi
> I've got an inherited kolab setup, which I'm learning as I go along,  
> and currently I'm having an issue where distribution list addresses  
> which get set up
> do not seem to work. I created a list named testlist, and when  
> sending mail to it, I get the following output in the maillogs:
> Oct 17 14:50:45 postfix/pipe[26399]: B99131F0017:  
> to=<testlist at domain.tld>, relay=kolabfilter, delay=0.14,  
> delays=0.03/0/0/0.1,
> dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via kolabfilter service)
> Oct 17 14:50:47 postfix/smtp[3706]: CA0E51F0029:  
> to=<testlist at domain.tld>, relay=[]:10024, delay=1.3,
> delays=0.06/0/0/1.3, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 Ok,  
> id=03348-07, from MTA([]:10026): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as
> 1410F1F0017)
> Oct 17 14:50:47 postfix/pipe[3341]: 1410F1F0017:  
> to=<testlist at domain.tld>, relay=kolabmailboxfilter, delay=0.12,
> delays=0.06/0/0/0.06, dsn=5.3.0, status=bounced (service  
> unavailable. Command output: Failed to set recipient: Mailbox  
> unknown.  Either there is
> no mailbox associated with this name or you do not have  
> authorization to see it. 5.1.1 User unknown, code 550 )
> I have also tried restarting the kolab service (just in case, since  
> I have no idea how the kolab architecture works for refreshing  
> configuration
> information or such), and still get the same output after it. Any  
> help or information would be appreciated. Some more information, if  
> needed: gentoo
> based server, with the following packages and versions:
> # equery l kolab
> [ Searching for package 'kolab' in all categories among: ]
>  * installed packages
> [I--] [  ] dev-perl/perl-kolab-2.1 (0)
> [I--] [  ] dev-php/horde-framework-kolab-3.2_alpha (0)
> [I--] [  ] net-mail/kolab-resource-handlers-2.1 (0)
> [I--] [  ] net-mail/kolab-webadmin-2.1 (0)
> [I--] [  ] net-mail/kolabd-2.1 (0)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha (4.2_alpha)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha (1.2_alpha)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-kolab-3.2_alpha (3.2_alpha)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-kolab-all-3 (0)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha (2.2_alpha)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha (2.2_alpha)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha (2.2_alpha)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1 (3.0.1)
> [I--] [ ~] www-apps/horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha (2.2_alpha)

Uh, oh. This is a Kolab2/Gentoo-2.1 installation. I am the maintainer  
of that port and I did not continue that line of the server. The 2.1  
version was something that helped me getting a good grip on the  
shortcomings of running Kolab on Gentoo. And I mainly used this for  
ideas on Kolab2/Gentoo-2.2. This version is not finished yet though.

If your server is anything near to being used in production I'd really  
recommend to switch to the Kolab2/OpenPKG-2.2 version. You should be  
able to cleanly migrate the data from the older Gentoo system.



> Regards
> JP
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p at rdus Kolab work is funded in part by KDAB and the Kolab Konsortium

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E-mail : p at rdus.de                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                          Bundesstrasse 29
Fax    : +49 721 1513 52322                          D-20146 Hamburg
    >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<

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