duplicate calendar entries

Mark Pavlichuk pav5088 at internode.on.net
Thu Oct 16 04:32:54 CEST 2008

  We have been trialing Kolab v2.2 (/w Horde and Toltec clients...  
users mainly on Toltec) for a couple of weeks, but now we have a 
difficulty - one user is having calendar entries replicating themselves 
- eventually there can be tens or hundreds of duplications.

  Is this a known problem?  If not, are there any generic fixes we could 
try?  If I need more information what should I collect and bring back to 
the list?

  I should mention a couple of things :

  - the problem started just after some network issues.  A switch power 
supply wasn't supplying enough juice, so there may have been network 
connectivity issues leading up to the calendar duplication problem.

  - we're using Kolab and Horde debs (yes, I know...  but that's the 
only real way to get Kolab and Horde to peacefully coexist with other 
services running on the same box).

Mark Pavlichuk
Strategic IT
ph. (07)47242890
m. 0409 124577

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