Toltec connector duplicates appointment attendees

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Mon Oct 13 08:38:39 CEST 2008

Quoting Albrecht Dreß <albrecht.dress at>:

> Hi all,
> while evaluating the Toltec connector and Toltec LDAP address book for
> Outlook I found a puzzling behaviour...
> I created two users "Test 1 Benutzer" and "Test 2 Benutzer", both
> accepting invitations automatically.  Invitations are sent from "Test 1
> Benutzer" to "Test 2 Benutzer", taking the latter from the LDAP address
> book.
> If I configure the LDAP address book to show names as "First Last",
> everything works fine.  However, setting it to display names as "Last,
> First" (which results in "Benutzer, Test 2" for the example above), the
> "accept" message will create a /second/ user in the appointment object
> in IMAP:
>    <attendee>
>      <display-name>Benutzer, Test 2</display-name>
>      <smtp-address>test2 at</smtp-address>
>      <status>none</status>
>      <request-response>true</request-response>
>      <role>required</role>
>    </attendee>
>    <attendee>
>      <display-name>Test 2 Benutzer</display-name>
>      <smtp-address>test2 at</smtp-address>
>      <status>accepted</status>
>      <request-response>true</request-response>
>      <role>optional</role>
>    </attendee>
> The first entry was the original one, and the second has been added.  I
> checked the vcalendar message produced automatically, and it contains
> I'm not sure whether Toltec or Outlook or Kolab is the source of the
> bug, but it is somewhat annoying...  Any idea how it could be fixed?

I looked at the code and to me it looks like a Toltec bug then. The  
resource management code only takes information from the iTip message  
and stores it on the IMAP server. It does not does not mangle the list  
of attendees as far as I can see.

Could you change the invitation handling to "manual" for your test  
user so that the messages don't get processed automatically. This way  
you could take a look at the invitation you get from Toltec.



> Thanks, Albrecht.
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