Smarthost being ignored

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Fri Mar 28 18:36:51 CET 2008

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Simon Powell <cabletastic at> wrote:
> Hey folks,
>  Had my Kolab 2.2 up and running for quite some time but all of a
>  sudden it has decided it wants to ignore the smarthost/relayhost I
>  have given it and send mail out directly. I'm on a dynamic IP and so
>  this is a big no no, hence why I gave it my ISP's smtp box as a
>  smarthost. All was working fine until about two weeks ago. Finally got
>  round to looking at it today and am stumped - in the web admin portion
>  the option is there for it to use and I can hand roll
>  messages thru this server so am not being blocked - indeed the sample
>  bouncebacks I get when trying to send mail indicate that it is not
>  even trying to use the smarthost, despite the relayhost directive
>  being defined correctly in my postfix/

You should have "[]"  in postfix/,
not "".

# man 5 transport
to know what [] does


>  Anyone any clues as to why this is maybe happening?
>  Cheers in advance
>  Si.
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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