2.2-rc3 critique: FAILS '"' CONTAINING PASSWORDS!!!!
Johannes Graumann
johannes_graumann at web.de
Mon Jun 23 15:32:38 CEST 2008
Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
> Hi Johannes,
> Johannes Graumann <johannes_graumann at web.de> writes:
>> Hi,
>> 1) Completely fresh openpkg install/bootstrap
>> 2) Create a new user
>> 3) Try to use new user:
>> a) admin interface works
>> b) horde doesn't
>> c) kontact doesn't
>> 4) Investigate:
>> a) manually bind to openldap:
>> root# /kolab/bin/ldapsearch -b dc=graumanage,dc=net -s base -D
>> 'cn=Johannes Graumann,dc=graumanage,dc=net' -h -x -w
>> Output in the shell:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <dc=graumanage,dc=net> with scope baseObject
>> # filter: (objectclass=*)
>> # requesting: ALL
>> #
>> # graumanage.net
>> dn: dc=graumanage,dc=net
>> dc: graumanage
>> objectClass: top
>> objectClass: domain
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 2
>> # numEntries: 1
>> b) equivalent output when observing slapd debugging (as advised
>> here:
>> c) appropriate slapd debugging output when logging into admin
>> interface d) NO slapd output when attempting to use horde e) only
>> trace of horde login:
>> tail /kolab/var/apache/log/horde/horde.log
>> Jun 18 22:14:05 HORDE [error] [horde] FAILED LOGIN for
>> Johannes Graumann
>> [] to Horde [pid 25084 on line 157
>> of "/kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/login.php"]
>> ==> this looked up somewhere that the email given was linked to
>> my name,
>> but still fails ...
>> f) /kolab/bin/cyradm --user johannes.graumann at graumanage.net
>> localhost
>> Password ...
>> IMAP password ...
>> 5) Partial solution to cyrus based problems:
>> USE PASSWORD WITHOUT '"' and imap-based stuff just works!!!!?????
>> ==> cyradmin login works (also with explicitly escaped '"')
>> ==> much of kontact functionality therefore works
>> 6) Remaining problems:
>> a) No horde login - pointers for better troubleshooting?
>> b) LDAP lookup from within kontact: still NO TLS or SSL
>> c) call up contact: still one stalling progress bar for an
>> unidentifiable connection to the server - what might this be?
>> Comments? Joh
> Thanks for the report. I added this as
> https://www.intevation.de/roundup/kolab/issue2809.
> I don't know why nobody had this issue before. I'm not certain it is
> easy to solve but it should at least be possible to add a check in the
> webadmin.
YES! And in "kolab_bootstrap -b" as well for good measure ...
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