Deleting user does not delete mailaccount

ITSEF Admin itsef-admin at
Tue Jun 3 15:55:43 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 3 June 2008 14:29:38 Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
> ITSEF Admin <itsef-admin at> writes:
> > ps auxc |grep kolabd gives me two "kolabd" processes running. Is there
> > any way to determine whether they are "really" running?
> If they are there, the process should be active. You can of course try
> to restart the process running /kolab/bin/openpkg rc kolabd restart.

Ok, I did a restart for kolabd (and it does indeed start two processes). 
Deleting seems to work again - I'd still be interested in knowing how this 
could fail silently. :-/

> kolabd might have the impression that the user account still exists on
> Kolab slave servers. I remember we had some bug concerning that.

Our server is standalone, no slaves defined.

Cheerio & thanks,

           Thomas Ribbrock             |   brightsight             
           itsef-admin at |   Delftechpark 1
           +31-15-2692529              |   NL-2628XJ Delft  	

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