Problem migrating from kolab 2.1 to kolab 2.2

Sylvain MEDEOT symedeot at
Thu Jul 31 15:53:38 CEST 2008


I have currently running kolab 2.1 in production without problem.

I tried today to move it to kolab 2.2 (virtual guest).
The full upgrade process gives no error.

But I am suffering several problems.

There is a change in the structure of the imap/spool folders :

Structure with Kolab 2.1

|-- spool
|   |-- domain
|   |   `--
|   |       `-- user
|   |           |-- auser1
|   |           |   |-- 11.
|   `-- stage.

Structure with Kolab 2.2

|-- spool
|   |-- domain
|   |   `-- v
|   |       `--
|   |           |-- a
|   |           |   `-- user
|   |           |       |-- auser1
|   |           |       |   |-- 11.
|   |           |       |-- auser2
|   |           |       |   |-- 11.

I had to rework reorganize through a batch process the data. Then, all 
seems to work normally.
I noticed nothing about that in the upgrade procedure...

The second issue is linked to horde. When I access horde 
(https://fqdn/horde), I am not asked for authentification and I am 
logged as an administrator : many features are not configured...

I tried to install kolab 2.2 without upgrading my previous installation 
and then it works fine : I can access horde in a normal way and all 
seems to work fine.

Can anybody points me to what I've missed ?

Kind regards,


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