Kolab vs Scalix

Michael Pasdziernik michael at pasdziernik.net
Fri Jul 25 11:17:14 CEST 2008

On Thursday, 24. July 2008 17:49:23 Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 July 2008 10:23, Michael Pasdziernik wrote:
> > The only problem with kolab in my opinion is the missing windows client
> > for power users, that means users with thousands of messages and several
> > GBytes mailbox size.
> > Konsec does not allow more then 3GB of mailbox-size,
> Are you sure about the 3GB? If so, might it be 2GB because of the .pst
> limit?

Yes. The limit is 2 GB. Sorry for the mistake.

> > Toltec has some issus with synchronisation on big mailboxes.
> Can you be more precise here, this would help Toltec to improve the
> product. What kind of issues did you have?
> Were they reproducable?

The issue we have is about mail duplicates. Currently I have not found a way 
to reproduce them. They occur on one very big mailbox that is used by a 
single user with a single workstation and on a mailbox with only about 1000 
messages but used by three users on different workstations and notebooks, 
sometimes concurrently and sometimes remote via vpn. 
I had to remove the duplicates several times with the duplicates plugin for
thunderbird. Last week I updated to the last toltec version and it seems that 
they are gone now. We have to wait some time to be sure.

> > Currently I am evaluating the new bynari insight connector and this looks
> > very promising.

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