Kolab-users Digest, Vol 53, Issue 18

Saim Kim s.kim at hia.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Jul 18 13:32:28 CEST 2008

> etreff:
> Re: Can't receive mail after upgrading from 2.2rc2 to 2.2 release: 
> Even more information
> Von:
> Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas at intevation.de>
> Datum:
> Fri, 18 Jul 2008 09:27:58 +0200
> An:
> kolab-users at kolab.org
> An:
> kolab-users at kolab.org
> * Saim Kim <s.kim at hia.rwth-aachen.de> [20080717 18:18]:
>> so after some more checking I'm quite sure that clamav is the reason for
>> the mail error. Even it is started with the /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all
>> start, if I check the status it is still not active:
>> mykolab:/kolab/var/clamav# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc clamav start
>> OpenPKG: start: clamav.
>> mykolab:/kolab/var/clamav# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc clamav status
>> OpenPKG: status: clamav.
>> clamav_enable="yes"
>> clamav_usable="unknown"
>> clamav_active="no"
>> So, how can I make clamav start?
> Or rather: why does your correct way of starting clamav fail?
> There is /kolab/var/clamav/clamd.log or your could try manually
> executing /kolab/bin/clamscan
> You might want to try manually updating the virus database:
> # su - kolab-r
> $ freshclam

I did the things you suggested and clamav still won't start. 
Interestingly, when I try to execute /kolab/bin/clamscan I get an error 
message stating that it is an invalid machine command (ungültiger 
Maschinenbefehl). The libraries are linked right (checked with ldd) So, 
can it be that the clamav package has a compilation error? I tested it 
on a clean debian etch server from scratch so my installation should be 
error free. I'll try to recompile  the clamav package from source and 
give feedback as soon as available.

Best regards,

Dipl.-Ing. Saim Kim
Lehrstuhl fuer Medizinische Informationstechnik
Helmholtz-Institut fuer Biomedizinische Technik
RWTH Aachen
Pauwelsstr. 20, D-52074 Aachen
Web:   http://www.medit.hia.rwth-aachen.de/
Tel:   +49-(0)241-80 23218
Fax:   +49-(0)241-80 82442
email: s.kim at hia.rwth-aachen.de

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