SSL Certs

ITSEF Admin itsef-admin at
Thu Jan 17 12:38:54 CET 2008

On Tuesday 15 January 2008 19:06, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> > Is there another way to do so?
> > I think i can get a new SSL cert this way, compatible with my Cert  
> > from a third party.
> You could look up the commands in the bootstrap script and run them
> manually. OpenSSL configuration is not easy, though.

For our own set-up, I'm using "Tiny CA" to manage our own little CA - 
including cert and all. I've simply replaced the existing cert on the Kolab 
server with the one we generated ourselves. That is working fine so far. I 
remember seeing some more discussion on this on this list - might be 
worthwhile trying the archives:


           Thomas Ribbrock             |   brightsight             
           itsef-admin at |   Delftechpark 1
           +31-15-2692529              |   NL-2628XJ Delft  	

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