cannot delete shared calendar with spaces in the name

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Thu Dec 18 22:13:20 CET 2008

Quoting Lucas Hendricks <LHendricks at>:

> I was able to delete one shared folder with a space, and now I only have 1
> left which seems to be a phantom shared folder which indicates as far as
> deleting the folder: an isolated problem not related to the space in the
> name.
> Retrieving an ics file via the subscription link does not work for shared
> folders with a space in the name for me, though.  Using IE as a
> troubleshooting tool to connect to the Debian 4.0 binary install of 2.2:




> Shared folder name: mycal
> type: events
> This works fine and prompts me to download the ics file through IE
> Shared folder name: my calendar
> type: events
> This gives a blank response with no file download prompt
> I think I might have made the phantom folder during 2.2-rc3 and done an
> upgrade from that to 2.2 which I could easily have done incorrectly to
> prevent the issue (I might have marked it to delete then done the upgrade
> before it ran the cleanup or something).  Since that is isolated to the one
> phantom folder and I plan on doing a clean wipe and fresh install with 2.2.1
> it probably doesn't need any more attention.
> Info for if you are just interested, though: folder appears in horde as:
> [anonymous]shared.doc surgery
> I cannot delete it while logged on to the horde as my only user account nor
> as the manager logon, and it does not appear in shared folders in the
> web-admin interface logged on as the default manager account.  I created a
> maintainer account and administrator account, neither of which even has the
> calendar show up as visible either in horde or the web-admin interface for
> kolab.
> Lucas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gunnar Wrobel [mailto:wrobel at]
> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 2:36 AM
> To: kolab-users at
> Subject: Re: cannot delete shared calendar with spaces in the name
> Hi Lucas,
> Quoting Lucas Hendricks <LHendricks at>:
>>   font-family: Arial;">Hello,  font-family: Arial;">
>> font-family: Arial;">I have created some shared calendars in the
>> horde admin interface that included spaces in the name and they
> seem
>> buggy.
> In the horde admin interface? I guess you rather mean the web-admin, right?
>> I could not subscribe to them via url and they will not let
>> me delete them either through admin or horde.
> How exactly do you try to delete it in horde? Did you give admin
> rights to the user trying to delete the shared folder?
>> When I set them to
>> delete in the admin interface they say "Folder deleted,
>> awaiting cleanup..." but then never delete and after cleanup
>> runs they're still there.
> What kind of a cleanup run? Does your kolabd run? kolabd should be
> responsible for removing the folders.
>>  font-family: Arial;">   font-family: Arial;">I'm only on a beta
>> install and I will most
>> likely do a clean install when 2.2.1 comes out so it's not an issue
>> that needs much thought wasted on it (I will just not use spaces in
>> folder names in the future).   I just wanted to check here to see
> if
>> someone knows how to fix this off the top of their heads or if it
>> should be considered a feature.
> Deleting such folders works fine for me (albeit on a 2.2.1
> installation). I don't think we had some changes in that area though
> and I would expect it to also work on 2.2.0. I could check 2.2.0 also
> if required.
> Cheers,
> Gunnar
>>  font-family: Arial;">   style="font-size: 10pt; font-family:
>> Arial; color: blue;">Lucas
>> Hendricks
> --
> ____ _________________ _
> E-mail : p at                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
> Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                         Bundesstrasse 29
> Fax    : +49 721 1513 52322                        D-20146 Hamburg
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