Can't log into IMAP server

Bazooka Joe fastfish at
Wed Aug 20 20:07:35 CEST 2008

New to Kolab - first install - added 2 users

Problem - Can't log in to IMAP server as users.

Horde responds -
"Login failed because your username or password was entered incorrectly."

Thunderbird -
"Connection to server timed out"

I have the crymaster service running which is what I understand takes
the imap connection.

I just noticed I also have all these hung quota processes as well

kolab     2572  0.0  0.0   5836  1480 ?        S    03:30   0:00 crond
kolab     2577  0.0  0.6  14328 12620 ?        Ss   03:30   0:00
/kolab/bin/perl /kolab/etc/kolab/kolabquotawarn


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