Bug with LDAP object

Richard Bos ml at radoeka.nl
Wed Aug 20 19:56:34 CEST 2008

Op Wednesday 20 August 2008 16:28:09 schreef Christian Tardif:
> I tought that has been fixed in the past, but I must have been dreaming
>  :-)
> Actually, as of 2.2, the LDAP object is saved under cn=Full User Name,
> dc=domain, dc=tld
> The problem comes when there's a second domain, and the same user has an
> email on this second domain (or let's think about info at ...  which exists
> in many domains, and often represents completely different users). When
> trying to create the second user, it will fail by saying that the user
> already exists, which is only partly true.
> The LDAP object should be saved under a different object:
> uid=mail at domain, dc=domain, dc=tld or so.
> What do you think about it?

It's being worked on:

Richard Bos
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