kolabd + cyrus create directory

Richard Bos ml at radoeka.nl
Mon Apr 14 18:11:06 CEST 2008

Op Monday 14 April 2008 14:50:41 schreef Tobias Oed:
> Hi,
>  I have a question, in my ldap I have about 186000 users, but my kolabd
> success to create only about 120000 directories. How it is possible? What
> command kolabd execute for create the directories? Thanks to all in advance
>  I am not sure I undestand. When I create a new user in the admin
> interface, the cyrus dirs are not create right away. They get created when
> the user logs in with imap or when he recievies his first email. Does that
> answer your question? I only have 4 users in kolab, but its good to know it
> works with as many as you have :)
>  Tobias

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Richard Bos
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