kolab-2.2-beta2; OpenPKG error: unexpected EOF

Alan Murrell lists at murrell.ca
Tue Oct 30 00:16:54 CET 2007

> Is this really intended to be an upgrade to an existing (possibly
> broken) installation?

No, fresh install of kolab2.2-beta2 (no previous installation).  The
message about the "Assuming upgrade" was just subsequent runs of the
install-kolab.sh script (since OpenPKG installed OK, it detected the
OpenPKG environment)

> If no, please remove the old install in /kolab
> If yes, please try the updated install-kolab.sh:
> http://kolab.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs-kolab.cgi/*checkout*/server/install-kolab.sh

I deleted everything in the /kolab directory 9except where I downloaded
the sources)and also grabbed the updated install-kolab.sh script you
refenced above.  I get exactly the same error:

(immediately after the successful installation of the OpenPKG environment)

/kolab/lib/openpkg/openpkg: command substitution: line 298: unexpected EOF
while looking for matching `''
/kolab/lib/openpkg/openpkg: command substitution: line 300: syntax error:
unexpected end of file
/kolab/lib/openpkg/openpkg: line 298: exec: shtool:path:Error:: not found

Let me know if you need any further information.

TIA for your help and suggestions.

-Alan Murrell

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