kolab-2.2-beta2; OpenPKG error: unexpected EOF

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Mon Oct 29 11:35:17 CET 2007

* Alan Murrell <lists at murrell.ca> [20071028 18:10]:
> The installation process compiled OpenPKG OK, but when OpenPKG itself is 
> called to compile the res of the Kolab packages, the following error comes 
> up:
> --------------------
> root at sbs01:/kolab/sources/development/2.2-beta2# ./install-kolab.sh -H -F 
> 2>&1 | tee kolab-install.log
> Kolab installation tag (TAG):       kolab
> Kolab installation prefix (PREFIX): /kolab
> Kolab version (KOLAB_VERSION):      2.2-beta2
> Kolab user name (USER):             kolab
> Kolab user base UID (KID):          19414
> Kolab restricted UID (KID):         19415
> Kolab non-priviledged UID (KID):    19416
> Received no instructions. Trying to determine required action...
> Found an OpenPKG environment. Assuming upgrade...

Is this really intended to be an upgrade to an existing (possibly
broken) installation?

If no, please remove the old install in /kolab

If yes, please try the updated install-kolab.sh:


thomas at intevation.de - http://intevation.de/~thomas/ - OpenPGP key: 0x5816791A
Intevation GmbH, Osnabrueck - Register: Amtsgericht Osnabrueck, HR B 18998
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner

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