kolab-2.2-beta2; OpenPKG error: unexpected EOF

Alain Spineux aspineux at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 12:34:12 CET 2007

On 11/3/07, Alan Murrell <lists at murrell.ca> wrote:
> OK, so I can now report that the installation went through with no errors,
> however I seem to have two problems, one of which may not be Kola
> related...
>   1.) the "snakeoil" certificate doesn't seem to have been installed into
> '/kolab/etc/apache/ssl.crt'.  No indication that it was generated.
> Apache of course fails to start, unless I comment out the lines in
> '/kolab/etc/apache/apache.conf' that have to dowitht he SSL certs.  Is
> there a way to generate them on the server?

/kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_sslcert.sh `hostname`

>   2.) All te services are running, but I cannot connect to any of them
> (tried telnetting to ports 25, 110, and connecting to the webserver on
> port 80 from Firefox)

Can you check if services are binded to the sockets, using "netstat -a"
Is your hostaname, ip address configured into your /etc/host file ?

> Thanks! :-)
> -Alan Murrell
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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