Connection Refused

Paul Franklin kolab at
Tue May 22 16:46:40 CEST 2007

Thank you.  Success at last! I have done

# /etc/init.d/fetchmail stop
Stopping Mail Transport Agent: sendmail
# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc postfix restart
openPKG: restart: postfix
# telnet 25
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
#ps ax | grep postfix
    678 tty3   S+   0:00 grep postfix

I suspected therefore that for some reason postfix decided not to run 
after all.  So I did

# apt-get remove sendmail and rebooted. 
[responses that seemed to indicate successful removal]

It still loaded sendmail.  apt-get remove sendmail claims that it cannot 
be removed because it was already.  So I changed the permissions of 
sendmail in /etc/init.d so that it is non-executable.  Not the right 
way, I know, but it stopped sendmail from loading.  Now Kolab works.

Thank you very much for your help, Alain.

Alain Spineux wrote:
> You can only have one program waiting for connection on one port, 25 
> for SMTP.
> It must be sendmail or postfix, not both.
> Only postfix is working with kolab :-)
> STOP sendmail and restart postfix
> # /kolab/bin/openpkg rc postfix restart
> Fetchamil will never make any difference between postfix, or sendmail.

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