obmtool:WARNING install failure.  Missing [[many, many packages]]

Jonathan Guilbault jonathang at canril.com
Wed Jun 13 22:34:36 CEST 2007

First of all, I think that this problem could be related to the gcc version 
I'm using to build Kolab from source (as per the instructions on the wiki).  
I'm using gcc 4.1.1 on CentOS 5 to install Kolab 2.1.0 from source.

Essentially, the install script completed and I discovered on bootstrap that 
perl was missing.  I examined the log and found suggestions that numerous 
other packages were missing.

My last message had a log file attached and was too large.  I've attached two 
files to this post that are much smaller: 

1.  "install-failure.log" is a grep for "failure" of the kolab-build.log file 
produced by the install command suggested in the wiki.  It lists dozens upon 
dozens of install failures due to missing dependencies.

2. "unsatisfied-dependencies.log" is the product of "/kolab/bin/openpkg 
rpm -Va", which was a check I found suggested in the output I examined in the 
log.  It lists several packages as missing.

1.  If this is due to the gcc version, what version of gcc do I need to use to 
compile Kolab 2.1.0 & the associated OpenPKG stuff from source?

2. If it's not my gcc version (I though OpenPKG >=2.5.x was supposed to fix 
the gcc >=4.0 issue), then does anyone have any idea what it is?

Thank you for your time,
Jonathan Guilbault.
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