spam filter and user with dynamic IPs posting with SMTP auth

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Wed Jul 18 10:46:52 CEST 2007

Andreas Micklei <andreas.micklei at> writes:

> Hi,
> I have a small problem with users sending mails from their home PCs. The 
> sending itself works via SMTP auth and SSL. But since home users have dynamic 
> IP addresse, spamassin always scores the mails up a little bit. Of course I 
> can reconfigure spamassassin, but that would not help for other sites 
> receiving mail from us, so I would like to get rid of the Received header 
> line with the dynamic IP.
> Here is a patch for postfix I have found:
> Would that work with the postfix version used by kolab? Is there a better way 
> to achieve the same result, via some header rewriting feature I do not know 
> yet?

I don't know if it is exactly this patch but postfix-2.4.* implements
something that allows you to deal with that problem. I actually had
the same problem and it is fixed on my machines now.

Problem is that you need postfix-2.4.* which is not yet part of
Kolab-2.1 but will be part of Kolab-2.2. Preparations for Kolab-2.2
are currently under way.



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