s/mime and outlook with toltec or konsec

Giovanni Baroni baroni at datacomm.ch
Thu Oct 26 16:10:33 CEST 2006

Hello Bernhard

Thank you very much for your answer

 > Which S/MIME plugin are you using for which Outlook?

Yes i've tried with outlooks own s/mime implementation cause of dislike 
to handle too many plugins (toltec, konsec..)

Are you suggesting a good s/mime plugin who works with toltec, konsec?

 > This is a server setting, I am quite surprised that this has anything
 > to do with S/MIME functionality, which is about emails.

So I! Also o havent any idea why tls_cert_file in imapd.conf is 
commentet out. By default kolab is generating this certeficates on 
bootstrapping in installationprocess.

 > Can you also say which Kolab Server you are running specifically?

Version 2.04 sec.adv. 12
Outlook 2003 sp2 with all latest patches

 > we did some tests with CryptoEx

Are they offering also S/MIME Plugin's or just PGP Implementations?
Is their "old" solution still available?

For PGP i still havent found a working Plugin for outlook (in 
combination with a kolab-connector). Doing encryption with inline 
signatures by WinPT or others.

Best regards, Giovanni

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