serious problemes with duplicated messages

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Thu Nov 23 11:59:41 CET 2006

Hi Nils,

On Friday 17 November 2006 15:48, Nils wrote:
> I'm the Sysadmin of a small group of people. To create eventes in the
> Kolab server, which concern everybody, we created a shared folder, on
> which everybody has read and write access.
> Recently we had the problem that there were suddenly a lot of messages
> duplicated. The messages have been duplicated so many times that we
> were unable to use the calendar!
> They (the summary entry in the kolab.xml attachment) were called "Copy
> of: <summary>". I couldn't figure out completely where this came from,
> but I guess it's a problem with synchronizing with some clients.
> However I manually grepped for these msgs on the server and removed
> them. Now what I would like to know is why and how can this happen and
> what can I do that it doesn't happen again in the future. 

We have fixed a few issues which could lead to such a bad situation
in the KDE Kolab Client, which is Kontact from the Proko2 branch.
Check the release notes of 2.1.5.
There is one potential corner case left:
kolab/issue1473 (conflict after moving day appointment)
Deadlock should not happen with 2.1.5 anymore.

> Clients are 
> all now running Kubuntu Edgy, but before we also had clients with
> Dapper and older versions of Kubuntu.

The Proko2 branch is the conservative choice for production systems.
We are forwardporting all fixes to KDE 3.5 
and are interested in bug reports for this as well,
so it is reasonable to use, but of course we do have less control
there and what the distributions package. 

Managing Director - Owner,       (Free Software Company)
Germany Coordinator,       (Non-Profit Org for Free Software)   (Email/Groupware Solution, Professional Service)
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