Probably naive questions about whether kolab can do what I want

chrisisbd at chrisisbd at
Wed May 24 12:47:56 CEST 2006

I have just 'found' the Kolab project and it looks as if it may be
able to do some of the things I have been wanting to do for a while
but there is so much of it (and so many 'sub projects') that I'm a
little overwhelmed so would appreciate some help.

My requirements are very simple and basically for only a few users (a
family and a small Ltd. company, a maximum of four users and probably
only two users in reality).  I run a slackware linux system as our
'server' and that is visible from the internet via a router/firewall.
I also have access to some other server/hosting systems.

What I *really* want to be able to do is synchronise between a PDA
(currently both Palms but this might change) and a web accessible
calendar and address book.  In addition I already use quite a few of
the MUAs etc. that seem to be able to work with Kolab - I personally
use mutt as my MUA, other users use Thunderbird and Horde.  However
E-Mail is a secondary matter.

So the question is really whether Kolab is a totally OTT solution to
synchronising a PDA with a Web PIM?  How much work is involved in
installing a Kolab server on a Linux system?  I have built and 
installed quite a few things on my Slackware system, e.g. TWiki, so
I'm happy to put a bit of effort into it but I don't want to disappear
down a never ending path of library dependencies and such.

Then, having installed Kolab do I *have* to use kpilot to synchronise
the Palms?  Does this require the whole of KDE (which I don't use
though I have most of the libraries)?

Finally does Kolab itself have a Web interface for users or does one
have to use Thunderbird, or Horde, or something to use the PIM data?

Sorry for all the questions and thank you in advance for any answers.

Chris Green (chrisisbd at

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