Horde as Webinterface (was: kolabd package available in Debian sid)

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Thu May 11 11:41:29 CEST 2006

On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 07:42:54PM +0200, Jan Schneider wrote:
> I would like to get Tobias König into the loop, I don't know if he's  
> subscribed to the kolab-users mailing list. 

IMO we should discuss the details on the kolab-devel list.
Thus I am crossposting and adding a mail-followup-to.

> Zitat von Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de>:
> >I have had several developers that have deeply looked into the code say
> >that they cannot bring Horde as Kolab Client into a stable,   
> >maintainable state.
> I doubt that, as Tobias' work has proved.

Well, I will ask back to get out more details,
but in the majority of cases our developers proved right in the end.

> >It supposetly is more inexpensive to write a new webclient.
> >I have not a detailed list of technical reasons and it probably
> >would be a major piece of work to produce them.
> It's hard to discuss technical problems without having details, 

on the other hand, from a management perspective, producing good 
and sound technical reasons and make them understood is hard work.
We are willing to do some of the work because we are of course
interested in having a good web interface, but this can only be done
some extend as nobody is paying the KK for a webinterface currently.

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