Kolab's Apache

Edmonds Peter zibiced at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 21 15:09:27 CET 2006

What could be wrong with my installation?
While finishing to install all packages, this is what it brings

WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: Horde_Timer 0.0.1

Installing Token:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: Horde_Token 0.0.1

Installing Tree:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: Horde_Tree 0.0.1

Installing UI:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: Horde_UI 0.0.1

Installing Util:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: Horde_Util 0.0.1

Installing VC:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: VC 0.0.1

Installing VFS:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: VFS 0.0.6

Installing XML_RAX:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: XML_RAX 0.0.1

Installing XML_SVG:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: XML_SVG 0.0.3

Installing XML_WBXML:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: XML_WBXML 0.0.1

Installing iCalendar:
WARNING: running in safe mode requires that all files created be the same uid as the current script.  PHP reports this script is uid: 19414, and current user is: kolab
install ok: Horde_iCalendar 0.0.1

INSTALL: openpkg-2.4.2-2.4.2 make-3.80-2.4.0 binutils-2.16.1-2.4.0 gcc-3.4.4-2.4.0 fsl-1.6.0-2.4.1 mm-1.3.1-2.4.0 perl-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-openpkg-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-conv-5.8.7-2.4.0 lzo-2.00-2.4.0 readline-5.0.5-2.4.0 sharutils-4.3.80-2.4.0 ncurses-5.4.20050611-2.4.0 bzip2-1.0.3-2.4.0 pcre-6.0-2.4.1 grep-2.5.1a-2.4.0 texinfo-4.8-2.4.0 diffutils-2.8.7-2.4.0 gzip-1.3.5-2.4.1 zlib-1.2.2-2.4.2 expat-1.95.8-2.4.0 perl-term-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-ds-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-stats-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-time-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-util-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-parse-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-sys-5.8.7-2.4.0 openssl-0.9.7g-2.4.1 perl-mail-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-crypto-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-xml-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-net-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-comp-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-ssl-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-www-5.8.7-2.4.0 imap-2004d-2.4.0_kolab procmail-3.22-2.4.0 db- openldap-2.2.27-2.4.0_kolab m4-1.4.3-2.4.0 bison-2.0-2.4.0 flex-2.5.31-2.4.0 groff-1.19.1-2.4.0 sasl-2.1.21-2.4.0 getopt-20030307-2.4.0 proftpd-1.3.0rc1-2.4.1 gdbm-1.8.3-2.4.0 dbtool-1.6-2.4.0
 postfix-2.2.3-2.4.1_kolab perl-ldap-5.8.7-2.4.0 perl-db-5.8.7-2.4.0 imapd-2.2.12-2.4.0_kolab2 libiconv-1.9.2-2.4.0 autoconf-2.59-2.4.0 automake-1.9.5-2.4.0 gettext-0.14.5-2.4.0 file-4.13-2.4.0 openpkg-tools-0.8.37-2.4.0 patch-2.5.9-2.4.0 sed-4.1.4-2.4.0 libxml-2.6.19-2.4.0 libxslt-1.1.14-2.4.0 apache-1.3.33-2.4.1_kolab php-4.3.11-2.4.0_kolab php-smarty-2.6.3-20040702 gmp-4.1.4-2.4.0 spamassassin-3.0.3-2.4.1 amavisd-2.3.1-2.4.0 curl-7.14.0-2.4.0 clamav-0.86.2-20050726 vim-6.3.78-2.4.0 dcron-2.9-2.4.0 perl-kolab-5.8.7-2.0_20050912 kolabd-1.9.4-20050913 kolab-webadmin-0.4.0-20050831 kolab-resource-handlers-0.3.9-20050912
SUMMARY: NODE=Tech; CMD=kolab; DATE=2006-03-18/10:20:19; HASX11=yes; DONE

Adding symbolic link to /kolab/bin/kolab as /usr/bin/kolab

It takes me back to the prompt where when I type /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b , I get this


Check for running webserver on port 80
Check for running webserver on port 443
Check for running imap server on port 143
Check for running imap server on port 220
Check for running imap server on port 585
Check for running imap server on port 993
Check for running pop3 server on port 109
Check for running pop3 server on port 110
Check for running pop3 server on port 473
Check for running pop3 server on port 995
Check for running smtp server on port 25
Check for running smtp server on port 465
Check for running ftp server on port 21
Check for running Amavis Virus Scanner Interface on port 10024
Check for running Kolab daemon on port 9999
Check for running OpenLDAP server on port 636
Check for running OpenLDAP server on port 389
Check for running Sieve server on port 2000
Excellent all required Ports are available!
LDAP repository is empty - assuming fresh install
Please enter Hostname including Domain Name (e.g. thishost.domain.tld) 
| others here
| to
Do you want to create CA and certificates [y] (y/n): n
Skipping certificate creation. Please copy your certificate to
/kolab/etc/kolab/cert.pem and private key to
/kolab/etc/kolab/key.pem when the bootstrap script is finished.

kolab is now ready to run!
please run '/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start'
Use login=manager and passwd=***** when you log into
the webinterface

everything proceeds on well but issues arise when its time to start the services with /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start
this is what I get

OpenPKG: start: openpkg, openldap, sasl, spamassassin, amavisd, apache:FAILED
openpkg:rc:WARNING: /kolab:apache:%start: failed with return code 1
openpkg:rc:NOTICE: output from stdout/stderr is following:
| Syntax error on line 37 of /kolab/etc/apache/apache.conf:
| SSLCertificateFile: file '/kolab/etc/kolab/cert.pem' not exists or empty
OpenPKG: start: clamav, dcron, imapd, postfix, proftpd, kolabd.

All services start but not apache yet it showed that it was installing. What can I do to have apache start so I see the interface?
Please help, URGENTLY!

   I.P Edmonds
 Mob: +256 71 2273 374
 # 40389, Nakawa,
 Kampala UGANDA.
  Tough Times Don't last,
    Tough People Do!

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